
New to Towne South?

Welcome, we’re so glad you’re here! We believe you cannot fully experience all that Towne South has to offer in one Sunday. Therefore, we invite all of our first-time guests to TRYfive. This simply means we ask you to give us 5 tries (5 visits) so you can fully experience all that Towne South has to offer. Let us know which Try you are on during our Sunday services using our online or in-person connect card. We will send you one email each week to help you learn more about us. All first time guests receive a little gift from us to you!

Ready to Start!

Experience all we offer with the TRYfive challenge: 5 visits to discover our vibrant community. Let us know your progress during our Sunday services. Enjoy weekly emails to get to know us better, and as a first-time guest, receive a special gift. Dive into the TRYfive challenge today!